
Meet The Team

James Scott

James Scott

Managing Director

James has been in the shipping and container industry ever since moving to Auckland from the Mainland, 20 odd years ago. Starting NZBOX in 2014 he has grown it from the ground up, and as Managing Director is still active across all aspects of the business. Somewhat competitive by nature, James has a vision for NZBOX to always provide customers with the box they need, where and when they need it, and for it to be delivered with second to none customer service. When he’s not buying/designing/paying for and managing a fleet of steel boxes, James can be found at the bakery buying custard cream twists.

Stuart Osborne

Stuart Osborne

Operations Manager

Hailing from Felixstowe, home of Britain’s largest container port, Stu was always destined for a career in containers. Joining NZBOX from early on, Stuart is an integral part of the team and as Operations Manager he ensures everything runs like a well-oiled machine. Handling everything from logistics to supply and relocations, he’s the man ensuring NZBOX customers can rely on getting the box they’re after, delivered by one of our top-notch transport providers, nationwide. Not one to shy away from hard work, Stu also dabbles in a bit of sales when needed.

[email protected]
022 182 1188

Reuben Moore

Reuben Moore

North Island Sales

Coming to NZBOX from a background in sporting goods and media sales, Reuben took to containers like a ship to water. Building instant rapport with customers, Reub is a pro at listening to customer needs and providing a solution that suits their unique requirements. Whether it’s a simple storage problem or something more complex, Reuben will go above and beyond to ensure the whole process runs seamlessly. When he’s not selling up a storm in the office or on socials, he can be found clocking up 5 star Google reviews or putting tomato sauce on his eggs bene.

[email protected]
027 289 5153

Ian Warburton

Ian Warburton

E-Com Sales

The man, the myth, the legend, Ian is the NZBOX TradeMe extraordinaire. Front lining the online side of things via platforms such as TradeMe and Facebook Marketplace, Ian predominantly works the e-com container sales, but also loves a good chat so you might be lucky to catch him on the 0800 as well. If Ian’s not burning the candle doing 3am online enquiries, he’s planning his next getaway or photographing his latest meal.

[email protected]
022 496 9269

Jared Denton

Jared Denton

Business Development Manager

Jumping ship from a career in commercial construction, Jared joins the team as National Business Development Manager, while also looking after the day to day servicing of our Southern Region sales. With a nationwide focus, Jared is often out and about delivering the 5 star service NZBOX is renowned for to our commercial clients. In this slightly mad technological age, he can also be found across our online platforms, or if you prefer to go old school, he’s always available via our 0800 number. A keen cricketer, Jared quickly adapted to the teams’ shared love of sports and baked goods, and he always strives to hit a six with every client interaction.

[email protected]

Carlie Scott

Carlie Scott

Marketing & Brand

Looking after the marketing side of things, Carlie is the in house wordsmith and events organiser, responsible for ensuring the NZBOX brand is en pointe via media channels, CSR support, and staff engagement.

Amanda Cushing

Amanda Cushing


Keeping things running in the background, Amanda is part of the NZBOX Hawkes Bay based team. Looking after all things financial, you probably don’t want a call from her, lovely as she is!

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